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How to Ask for Introductions

Before or after each interview, ask your guest: “Who else should I feature on the podcast who you know would be great like you? I am looking for _____________ companies to feature.”

We also recommend asking your guests during the interview about the peers they admire. Here are a few examples: “Who do you consider to be a top marketer in your industry?” Or, “Who are some people you respect or admire in your industry right now?”

Then, once you’ve finished the interview, you can say: “You mentioned So-and-So during the interview and they sound like they would be a great guest as well. Do you think So-and-So would be a good person to feature?”

After your guest gives you a few names, make it super easy on them to do an introduction. Here are our strategies:

  1. Zero Work Referral Process: Make the guest do zero work! Tell them you will reach out to the referral and mention their name. Ask for the email or LinkedIn of the person you want to be connected to, and reach out to them using this script: “(Guest Name) referred you and said you would be a great guest on my podcast. I’d love to feature you!”

  2. Circle Back: Send your guest a 3-4 sentence bio and ask for them to CC you on an email to the person they suggested.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • The three keys to achieving success and generating ROI from your podcast

  • What you can do before the interview to start getting more introductions

  • The value of asking for — and giving — shoutouts during the podcast episode

  • What is the best way to get introductions?

  • How to take advantage of the Zero Work Referral Process 

  • The long-term benefits of getting new introductions

Every podcast episode is an opportunity to expand your network, make new connections, and receive referrals. But, asking for introductions can be challenging. That’s why we’re sharing some of our strategies to help you through the process.

When in doubt, the best way to ask for introductions is to give introductions. When chatting with a guest before, during, or after your interview, listen closely for details — such as where they’re located, where they’re from, or what they’re working on in their business — that will help you match them up with someone in your network. Then, send a quick email or text to get them connected.

Once you’ve delivered value to your guest, you may be surprised how easy it is to get introductions in return. For the most ROI, be sure to follow up on each shoutout that your guest gives. The simplest way to do this is with our Zero Work Referral Process. With this approach, you do the work so that your guest doesn’t have to. Business leaders are busy, so it’s always best to make this process as easy as possible.

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