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How To Bring Your Teammate up To Speed on the Rise25 Podcast Strategy (Review of the Dream 100 Blueprint Presentation Call)

In the Dream 100 Blueprint Session, Jeremy Weisz explains what Rise25 is and how you can benefit from its services. Rise25 makes podcast production easy by providing strategic planning, accountability, and business development, resulting in ROI for its clients. Services provided by Rise25 encourage authentic connection that leads to lasting relationships and network expansion. 

How do you bring your teammate up to speed on the Rise25 Podcast Strategy? How can you explain the benefits of podcasting to someone unfamiliar with the idea?

The video below provides a quick walkthrough of the Dream 100 Blueprint Session that you can share with your team so everyone is on the same page and knows the strategy and the goals behind setting up a podcast for you. Podcasting is a strategic way to connect with industry leaders and grow your business. Rise25 provides podcast production services that allow clients to focus solely on developing relationships and expanding their networks. Featuring guests on your podcast is another strategy that can lead to ROI, both directly and indirectly, and encourage network expansion.

Here is the link to the Dream 100 Presentation you can share with your team:

Rise25 – New Dream 100 Strategic Partner Blueprint Introduction

1. Put everything in an ROI filter

Consider each action step you take when producing a podcast episode and ask yourself if what you’re doing is leading to ROI. Remember that ROI is not always instantaneous — conversations with strategic referral partners, potential clients, and current clients are indirect ROI strategies that will help you achieve your goals.

2. Focus on optimizing your time


Rise25 serves you by focusing on elements of strategy, accountability, and business development so that you can foster relationships. Utilize the time you would spend on these areas to expand your network and invest in long-term relationships that grow your business.

3. Feature guests on your podcast


Podcasting is a strategic way to build relationships. Use your podcast to connect with others by inviting individuals in or associated with your network to be a featured guest on your podcast, allowing you to cultivate long-term relationships.

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