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How To Get Podcast Downloads

Podcast hosts tend to focus on their number of downloads. While it’s important to track how your podcast is performing, these analytics do not define the value of your content.

Downloads are the result of the quality of content you put out, the guests you interview, the relationships you build with your guests, and your intended audience.

Quantity does not dictate quality. Focus on having great conversations with qualified guests and producing content that resonates with your intended audience. Your downloads and subscribers will come naturally.

Here’s a related article you can check out:

1. Don’t fixate on your number of downloads 

It’s easy to fixate on how many podcast downloads you have. However, downloads are lagging Key Performance Indicators (KPI). They are the result of what you do, who you talk to, and the kind of content you produce, but they don’t define the value of your content. 

Rather than fixating on the number of podcast downloads, focus your attention on finding quality guests to interview. 

2. Focus on finding quality guests

Quality guests that are industry experts and role models for others to follow lead to an increase in downloads.

The ideal guest is a referral partner and strategic partner, who assists in producing quality content through a memorable interview — leading to more downloads.

3. Build great relationships with your guests

Make your guest feel valued. A great business partner is focused on building strong relationships. The stronger your relationships become, the more leverage you have to expand your network.

When you show others you care about their goals, they are more likely to reciprocate.

4. Focus on the quality of your content

The content that you produce should resonate with your preferred audience. If your target clients are B2B manufacturers, the number of downloads won’t matter if people in the manufacturing industry aren’t listening. 

Produce episodes that will pique the interest of other experts in the industry you intend to reach. Interviewing guests that your audience wants to learn from will lead to an increase in downloads.

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