The “Give Loop” Social Media Post
To create a LinkedIn or Facebook post from your network before launch (best posted inside a specific group of that niche)
Post on social media in a fb group for instance and email your contacts asking their top 3 favorite conferences
Reach out to people from those companies telling them they were mentioned
Create an episode with a top 5-10 list for the top conferences.
Email those people saying you included them in the episode
When the episode goes live email them again telling them the episode went live and they are included and ask them to share it and tag them in social media
If applicable ask them to be a guest
Collaborate and talk about referral partnership opportunities.
Favorite [Name of category here – ie Podcast / Conference / App] ?
Need your suggestions because I am doing an episode for my [Name of your Show Here] on the top 10 [Name of category here – ie Podcast / Conference / App]
Some of my favorites are [tag people and companies you like] and would love to include more.
Please comment below with your favorites and tag anyone else you know that would also have some great suggestions!
My show will be about [explain one sentence on what the show is about]
I love talking about this stuff because my company [Name of Company] helps [5 words on who your ideal client is]