Follow-Up Offer Email
Template for Follow- Up Offer Script
What to say after the interview:
It was an honor to have you as a guest on the show.
By the way, as a thank you for doing this interview, we have been offering to our guests [OFFER HERE]
You know we normally charge for this because this is what we do, but just as a ‘thank you’ for being a guest, we’re happy to gift that to you.
Would you want to find a time to set that up?
Example for Follow- Up Offer Script
BIG “Uncomfortable” OFFER
This is a big give to your guest. It is something you can offer your guest to give to them and/or their audience that is such a good offer that it makes you slightly uncomfortable.
If you want to turn each interviewee into a referral or collaborative partner or client you want to give as much as possible to them.
(See 7 Steps below for more ideas)
2 immediate follow ups
What to say right after the interview
What to email right after the interview.
Example for Follow- Up Offer Script
Example script to say after the interview:
“It was an honor to have you as a guest on the show. In the past I have given some past guests access to my software….I would love to gift you 12 months free of my software to use if you think you will use it.
In addition I would be happy to allow you to give away one subscription to your audience for a free 12 months.
Example for Follow- Up Offer Script
Another example:
By the way, as a thank you for doing this interview, we have been offering to our guests to [OFFER HERE]
You know we normally charge for this because this is what we do, but just as a ‘thank you’ for being a guest, we’re happy to give that to you.
Would you want to find a time to set that up?
Template for Follow- Up Offer Email
What to Email after the interview:
[NAME] you rocked the house with the interview!
Amazing work and we will let you know when your episode goes live.
As I was saying, something we have done in the past was offering our guests of giving [OFFER HERE] and I figured we would do a 15min chat to iron out the details.
You and Josh need to talk shop regardless because I see a lot of ways you can both collaborate as you have the same mission but different services.
Example for Follow- Up Offer Email
What to Email after the interview:
Josh you rocked the house with the interview!
Amazing work and I will get the audio on your site.
Owen you will LOVE the interview we did.
Owen, I was telling Josh about something you have done in the past of giving a 12 month subscription of sweet process and could not recall all the details so I figured you can do a 15min chat.
You and Josh need to talk shop regardless because I see a lot of ways you can both collaborate as you have the same mission but different services.
Put Ideas for your BIG OFFER HERE:.