Template E-mail to send your friends, family and list to get subscribers and reviews and downloads
Example for Sending Friends, Family and List to Get Subscriber Email
Exact Email example I used to get in the top 50 and you can use elements of this:
Subject: climbing the charts and any help is appreciated….
We need your help because we are trying to actually get ranked on the podcast charts.
It is simple but not easy 😉
It requires us to get the most amount of subscribers and reviews in a 2 day period.
If there is any way you could take a few minutes to subscribe and/or leave a review that would mean the world to me. I know you are busy, so if you are too busy then no worries at all.
I know it’s a pain to leave a quick review but if you have 3 min, here are the steps to quickly select a star rating and write one sentence.
I can’t technically ask you to leave a 5 star rating, but I would appreciate anything you can do. 😉
How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad
-Go to this link: (INSERT ITUNES LINK HERE)
-Click blue “view in itunes” button
-that will take you to a screen where you can click subscribe and you can click the ratings and reviews to quickly click the star rating and leave a short review.
Example for Sending Friends, Family and List to Get Subscriber Email Image
Thank you for all your help and support of the show and if you think of any great guests I should feature let me know.