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Why the CEO Should Not Be Editing Video or Writing and Editing Show Notes

One thing we have noticed among our CEO clients is they enjoy the production process and want to be involved in video editing and writing show notes.  

The production process is time-consuming and can distract from the purpose of your podcast. CEOs that have been involved have realized they become drained and uncommitted to continuing the mission they originally set out to accomplish.

While the production process is enjoyable, as a CEO, your time is best spent investing in high-quality conversations with clients, referral partners, and prospective connections. You will experience a greater increase in ROI when you focus on expanding your network.

1. One thing we’ve noticed among our CEO clients

Sometimes, the CEO or head of the company wants to be involved in the podcast production process by handling video editing, writing show notes, or making sure every comma is perfectly placed in the transcripts.

2. The common reasons why CEOs do this

We’ve found that CEOs want to be involved because they are naturally good at it or because they enjoy doing it. Some of our clients had careers in writing and video production and want to apply their knowledge and expertise.

3. Why writing or editing is not the best use of CEO time

Despite initially liking the production process, you’ll realize the repetition drains your energy and takes up valuable time. As a result, you end up resenting something you once enjoyed doing.

That’s why we tell our CEO clients that writing and editing are not the best use of their time. If your ideal client is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, then the highest and best use of your time is having another high-quality conversation that will lead you to the types of clients you are looking for.

We encourage you to delegate podcast production tasks such as editing videos or writing show notes. Whether using our team or employing elsewhere, dedicate your time to preparing for your high-caliber conversations.

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