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How To Get More Podcast Guests When You Are Running Low

How do you get guests when you are running low?

Most podcasts usually have backlogs to ensure they have enough guests, but if you find yourself in this scenario, there are strategies for inviting new resources and guests. 

To expand your guest list, reach out to previous guests and ask for suggestions, message the resources mentioned in an episode informing them that the episode’s guest gave them a shout-out, go through your contacts and identify your closest connections, and email champions in your network. You can use message templates to ask for suggestions or ask them directly to be your guest. You can also send out a blast if you have a subscriber list or send individual emails to people in your network and use the indirect ask email.

1. Email past guests for suggestions.

Reach out to previous guests who have people in their network that you would like to be introduced to. For example, you can ask a previous guest if they know a CEO of an eCommerce company who you can have as a guest in one of your episodes focusing on eCommerce.

2. Message resources mentioned in an episode.

Another way to get more podcast guests is to revisit the resources mentioned section of an episode’s master interview template. You can message the companies or experts mentioned, informing them that the episode’s guest gave them a shout-out. Then proceed to inquire about anyone who would be a valuable individual to feature on the podcast.

3. Do an indirect ask.

Another alternative is to go through your contacts and identify your closest connections. Knowledge Base has message templates you can send to people in your network asking them for guest suggestions or to be a guest themselves.

4. Email champions in your network.

You can also send emails to the champions in your network. You can send out a blast to people if you have a subscriber list, or you could send individual emails to people in your network using the indirect ask email template.

“If you have exhausted your options or want us to to help, we have a COLD EMAIL OUTREACH PROGRAM designed to generate more guests for your podcast. Visit to learn more.”

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